Biography of Maulana Habib Luthfi bin Yahya Pekalongan

Contents Profile Maulana Habib Luthfi bin Yahya Pekalongan

  1. Birth
  2. Mother’s Lineage
  3. Father’s Lineage
  4. Education
  5. Lineage of Tariqah and Bai’at
  6. Sanad Naqshbandiyah al-Khalidiyah
  7. Tariqah Syadziliyah
  8. Tariqah Al Qadiriyah an Naqsyabandiyah
  9. Tariqah Tijaniah
  10. Teachers
  11. Habib Lutfi bin Yahya’s daily life
  12. Founder of Tariqah MATAN
  13. Role in Nahdlatul Ulama
  14. Career
  15. Exemplary Story
  16. Awards


Maulana Al-Habib Muhammad Luthfi bin Ali bin Yahya (Habib Luthfi) was born in Pekalongan on November 10, 1946 or on 27 Rajab in 1367 H. Habib Luthfi was born from a Syarifah named Sayidah al Karimah as Syarifah Nur.

Mother’s Lineage

Born from a syarifah, who has the name and lineage: Sayidah al Karimah as Syarifah Nur bin Sayid Muhsin bin Sayid Salim bin Sayid al Imam Salih bin Sayid Muhsin bin Sayid Hasan bin Sayid Imam ‘Alawi bin Sayid al Imam Muhammad bin al Imam ‘Alawi bin Imam al Kabir Sayid Abdullah bin Imam Salim bin Imam Muhammad bin Sayid Sahal bin Imam Abd Rahman Maula Dawileh bin Imam ‘Ali bin Imam ‘Alawi bin Sayidina Imam al Faqih al Muqadam bin ‘Ali Bâ Alawi.

Father’s Lineage

  1. Nabi Muhammad Saw
  2. Sayidatina Fathimah az-Zahra + Ali bin Abi Thalib
  3. Imam Husein ash-Sibth
  4. Imam Ali Zainal Abiddin
  5. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir
  6. Imam Ja’far Shadiq
  7. Imam Ali al-Uraidhi
  8. Imam Muhammad an-Naqib
  9. Imam Isa an-Naqib ar-Rumi
  10. Imam Ahmad Al-Muhajir
  11. Imam Ubaidullah
  12. Imam Alwy Ba’Alawy
  13. Imam Muhammad
  14. Imam Alwy
  15. Imam Ali Khali Qasam
  16. Imam Muhammad Shahib Marbath
  17. Imam Ali
  18. Imam Al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammd Ba’Alawy
  19. Imam Alwy al-Ghuyyur
  20. Imam Ali Maula Darrak
  21. Imam Muhammad Maulad Dawileh
  22. Imam Alwy an-Nasiq
  23. Al-Habib Ali
  24. Al-Habib Alwy
  25. Al-Habib Hasan
  26. Al-Imam Yahya Ba’Alawy
  27. Al-Habib Ahmad
  28. Al-Habib Syekh
  29. Al-Habib Muhammad
  30. Al-Habib Thoha
  31. Al-Habib Muhammad al-Qodhi
  32. Al-Habib Thoha
  33. Al-Habib Hasan
  34. Al-Habib Thoha
  35. Al-Habib Umar
  36. Al-Habib Hasyim
  37. Al-Habib Ali
  38. Al-Habib Muhammad Luthfi


After receiving direct education from his parents, at the age of 12, little Lutfi began to wander in search of knowledge.

At that age he joined his uncle (Pakde), Habib Muhammad in Indramayu, West Java. After that he has been in and out of boarding schools. Shortly after studying in Bondokerep Cirebon, Luthfi received a scholarship to study at Hadramaut. Three years there, he returned to his homeland, studying again at a number of Islamic boarding schools (pesantren), namely Pesantren  Kliwet Indramayu, Tegal (Kiai Said), Purwokerto (Kiai Muhammad Abdul Malik Bin Muhammad Ilyas Bin Ali).

He also studied with a great scholar from Lasem Rembang, teacher Mbah Ma’shum. Furthermore, when he was a teenager he was married to a girl who was still a relative (one family), namely Syarifah Salma bin Hasyim bin Yahya. From this marriage, two sons and three daughters were born, namely Syarif Muhammad Bahauddin, Syarifah Zaenab, Syarifah Fatimah, Syarifah Ummi Hanik and Syarif Husain.

Maulana Habib Lutfi’s first education was received from the father of al Habib al Hafidz ‘Ali al Ghalib. Then he studied at the Salafiah Madrasa. The teachers at the Madrasah include:

  1. Al-‘Alim al ‘Alamah Sayid Ahmad bin ‘Ali bin Al Alamah al Qutb As Sayid ‘Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Talib al Athas
  2. Sayid al Habib al ‘Alim Husayn bin Sayid Hasyim bin Sayid Umar bin Sayid Thaha bin Yahya (his own uncle)
  3. Sayid al ‘Alim Abu Bakr bin Abdullah bin ‘Alawi bin Abdullah bin Muhammad al ‘Athas B ‘Alawi
  4. Sayid ‘Al Alim Muhammad bin Husayn bin Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Talib al ‘Athas Bâ ‘Alawi.

From these teachers he got a special diploma (special), and also ‘Am (general) in Da’wah and nasyru shari’ah (spreading shari’ah), tariqah, tashawuf, books of hadith, interpretations, sanad, history , dirayat, nahwu, books of monotheism, tashwuf, aurad readings, hizib-hizib, prayer books, tariqah books, sanad-sanad, lineage, medical books. And he also got a diploma for allegiance.

Lineage of Tariqah and Bai’at

Al Habib Muhammad Luthfi Bin Ali Yahya took the tariqah and hirqah Muhammadiah from the great teacher figures. From his teachers he received a diploma to pledge allegiance and become a teacher of Sufism that called murshid. Among his teachers were: Tariqah Naqsyabandiah Khalidiyah and Syadziliah al ‘Aliah from Al Hafidz al Muhadits al Mufasir al Musnid al Alim al Alamah Ghauts az Zaman Sayidi Sheikh Muhammad Ash’ad Abd Malik bin Qutb al Kabir al Imam al Alamah Sayidi Sheikh Muhammad Ilyas bin Ali bi Hamid.

Sanad Naqshbandiyah al-Khalidiyah

Sayidi Sheikh ash’ad Abd Malik from his father Sayidi Sheikh Muhammad Ilyas bin Ali bi Hamid from Qut al Kabir Sayid Salaman Zuhdi from Qutb al Arif Sulaiman al Quraimi from Qutb al Arif Sayid Abdullah Afandi from Qutb al Ghauts al Jami’ al Mujadid Maulana Muhammad Khalid to Qutb al Ghauts al Jami’ Sayidi Shah Muhammad Baha’udin an Naqsyabandi al Hasni.

Tariqah Syadziliyah

From Sayidi Sheikh Muhammad Ash’Ad Abd Malik from al Alim al al Alamah Ahmad an Nahrawi al Maki from the Mufti of Mecca-Medina al Kabir Sayid Shalih al Hanafi RA.  Then Tariqah al ‘Alawiya al ‘Idrusyiah al ‘Atha’iyah al Hadadiah and Yahyawiyah:

  1. al Alim al Alamah Qutb al Kabir al Habib ‘Ali bin Husayn al ‘Athas.
  2. Afrad Zamanihi Akabir Aulia al Alamah al habib Hasan bin Qutb al Ghauts Mufti al kabir al habib al Iamam ‘Uthman bin Abdullah bin ‘Aqil bin Yahya B’ Alawi.
  3. Al Ustadz al Kabir al Muhadits al Musnid Sayidi al Al Alamah al Habib Abdullah bin Abd Qadir bin Ahmad Bilfaqih Bâ ‘Alawi.
  4. Al Alim al Alamah al Arif billah al Habib Ali bin Sayid Al Qutb Al Al Alamah Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Talib al ‘Athas Bâ ‘Alawi.
  5. Al Alim al Arif billah al Habib Hasan bin Salim al ‘Athas Singapore.
  6. Al Alim al Alamah al Arif billah al Habib Umar bin Hafidz bin Sheikh Abu Bakr bin Salim Bâ ‘Alawi.

From these teachers he received a diploma to become a murshid, hirqah and a diploma for allegiance, a special talqin dhikr and ‘Am

Tariqah Al Qadiriyah an Naqsyabandiyah

From Al-Alim Al-Alamah tabahur in Shari’a, tariqah, essence and tashawuf Sayidi al Imam ‘Ali bin Umar bin Idrus bin Zain bin Qutb al Ghauts al Habib ‘Alawi Bâfaqih Bâ ‘Alawi State of Bali. Sayid Ali bin Umar from Al Alim al Alamah Auhad Akabir Ulama Sayidi Sheikh Ahmad Khalil bin Abd Lathif Bangkalan. ra.

From the two teachers, Al-Habib Muhammad Lutfi received a diploma to become a murshid, hirqah, talqin dhikr and a diploma for bai’at talqin. Jami’uthuruq (all tariqat) with their sanad and genealogy: Al-Imam Al-Alim Al-Alamah Al-Muhadits al Musnid al Mufasir Qutb al Haramain Sheikh Muhammad al Maliki bin Imam Sayid Mufti al Haramain ‘Alawi bin Abas al Maliki al Hasni al Husaini Mecca. From him, Maulana Habib Luthfi received a diploma of murshid, hirqah, talqin dhikr, special bai’at, and ‘Am, books written by Sheikh Maliki, wirid, hizib-hizib, books of hadith and sanad.

Tariqah Tijaniah

Al Alim al Alamah Akabir Aulia al Kiram ra’su al Muhibin Bait expert Sayidi Sa’id bin Armiya Giren Tegal. Kiyai Sa’id received from his two teachers; First, Shaykh’Ali bin Abu Bakr Bâsalamah. Sheikh Ali bin Abu Bakr Bâsalamah received from Sayid ‘Alawi al Maliki. Both Shaykh Sa’id received directly from Sayid ‘Alawi al Maliki.

From Sheikh Sa’id bin Armiya, Maulana Habib Luthfi received a diploma, talqin dhikr, and became a murshid and a bai’at diploma for special and ‘Am.


  1. Habib Ali bin Hasyim bin Umar Bin Yahya (father),
  2. Habib Ahmad bin Ali bin Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Thalib Alattas (Pekalongan),
  3. Habib Husein bin Hasyim bin Umar Bin Yahya (Pekalongan),
  4. Habib Abubakar bin Abdullah Alattas (Pekalongan),
  5. Habib Hamid al-Habsyi,
  6. Syaikh Ahmad bin Mahfudz
  7. Habib Muhammad bin Husein bin Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Thalib Alattas (Pekalongan),
  8. Syaikh Muhammad Kaukab bin Muslim (Benda Kerep Cirebon),
  9. Syaikh Muhtadi bin Muslim (Benda Kerep Cirebon),
  10. Syaikh Arsyad bin Muhammad Amin (Benda Kerep Cirebon)
  11. Syaikh Muhammad Bajuri (Sudimampir Balongan Indramayu)
  12. Syaikh Masyhadi bin Muslim bin Utsman (Karangampel Indramayu),
  13. Habib Sholeh bin Abdullah al-Hinduan (Karangampel Indramayu),
  14. Habib Abubakar bin Abdullah Ba’abud (Indramayu),
  15. Habib Alwi bin Yusuf bin Ahmad Bin Yahya (Indramayu),
  16. Habib Muhammad bin Thoha bin Umar Bin Yahya (Indramayu),
  17. Habib Muhammad bin Hasyim bin Umar Bin Yahya (Kliwed Kertasemaya Indramayu),
  18. Habib Syaikh bin Abubakar bin Syaikhan Bin Yahya (Jagasatru Cirebon),
  19. Habib Muhammad bin Umar bin Abubakar Bin Yahya (Pegagan Palimanan Cirebon)
  20. Habib Ahmad bin Ismail Bin Yahya (Jenun Arjawinangun Cirebon),
  21. Habib Umar bin Ismail Bin Yahya (Panguragan Cirebon),
  22. Habib Ibrahim bin Ismail Bin Yahya (Gegesik Cirebon),
  23. Habib Idrus bin Muhammad bin Idrus al-Habsyi (Cirebon),
  24. Habib Ali bin Husein Alattas (Cikini Jakarta),
  25. Habib Umar bin Hud Alattas (Jakarta),
  26. Habib Ali bin Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Thalib Alattas (Pekalongan),
  27. Habib Yahya bin Hasyim bin Umar Bin Yahya (Pekalongan),
  28. Habib Abdullah bin Salim Maulachelah (Pekalongan),
  29. Habib Zain bin Ali al-Jufri (Semarang),
  30. Habib Idrus bin Muhammad Assegaf (Semarang),
  31. Habib Anis bin Alwi bin Ali al-Habsyi (Solo),
  32. Habib Abdul Qadir bin Abdurrahman Assegaf (Solo),
  33. Habib Umar bin Abdul Qadir Alaydrus (Solo),
  34. Habib Ahmad bin Ali Bafaqih (Tempel Sleman Jogjakarta),
  35. Habib Umar bin Thoha Bin Yahya (Surabaya),
  36. Habib Muhammad bin Idrus al-Habsyi (Surabaya),
  37. Habib Sholeh bin Muhsin al-Hamid (Tanggul Jember),
  38. Habib Muhsin bin Hadi al-Hamid (Beran),
  39. Habib Abdullah bin Abdul Qadir Bilfaqih (Malang),
  40. Habib Hasan bin Utsman Bin Yahya,
  41. Habib Utsman bin Alwi bin Utsman Bin Yahya (Jakarta),
  42. Habib Muhammad bin Aqil Bin Yahya (Jakarta),
  43. Habib Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Haddad (Jakarta),
  44. Habib Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad Assegaf (Mekkah),
  45. Habib Ahmad Masyhur al-Haddad (Tarim Yaman),
  46. Syekh Sa’duddin al-Halabi ad-Dimasyqi (Mekkah),
  47. Habib Muhammad bin Alwi al-Maliki (Mekkah),
  48. Habib Umar bin Muhammad bin Hafidz Bin Syaikh Abubakar bin Salim (Tarim Yaman),
  49. Habib Zain bin Ibrahim bin Smith (Madinah),
  50. Habib Muhammad bin Alwi al-Habsyi (Tarim Yaman),
  51. Habib Hasan bin Salim Alattas (Singapura),
  52. Syaikh Abdullah al-Faqih bin Umar al-Khathib (Singapura),
  53. Habib Ali bin Umar Bafaqih (Negara Bali),
  54. Habib Muhammad al-Qadhi al-Kaf (Tegal),
  55. Habib Hasan bin Husein bin Muhammad al-Haddad (Tegal),
  56. Habib Muhammad bin Ali bin Thoha al-Haddad (Tegal),
  57. Habib Aqil bin Abdullah Bin Yahya (Kadipaten Majalengka),
  58. Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdullah Haujah (Semarang),
  59. Habib Idrus bin Abubakar al-Habsyi (Surabaya),
  60. Syarifah Zahra binti Abubakar bin Umar Bin Yahya (Surabaya),
  61. Syarifah Khadijah binti Hasyim Bin Yahya (Pekalongan),
  62. Syarifah Syaikhun binti Syaikh bin Alwi Bin Yahya (Jakarta),
  63. Syaikh Abdullah bin Nuh (Bogor),
  64. Syaikh Mahfudz bin Anwar (Blado Pekalongan),
  65. Syaikh Ali Bamahramah
  66. Habib Hamid bin Muhammad al-Hanafi bin Salim Bin Yahya (Mekkah)
  67. Habib Muhammad bin Aqil Bin Yahya (Sokaraja Purwokerto),
  68. Sayyid Syaikh Muhammad Abdul Malik bin Ilyas (Kedung Paruk Purwokerto),
  69. Syaikh Muzni (Karangcengis Ajibarang Banyumas),
  70. Syaikh Ali bin Abubakar Basalamah (Jatibarang Brebes),
  71. Syaikh Manshur bin Nawawi (Kalimati Tegal),
  72. Syaikh Suhrawardi bin Nawawi (Tegal),
  73. Syaikh Said bin Armia (Giren Tegal),
  74. Syaikh Abdul Jamil (Pemalang),
  75. Syaikh Muhammad Dimyathi bin Nashir (Comal Pemalang),
  76. Syaikh Muhammad Nur (Walangsanga Moga Pemalang),
  77. Syaikh Muhammad Sholeh Madyani (Kebagusan Comal Pemalang),
  78. Syaikh Abdul Fattah bin Thohir (Kradenan Bangkalan),
  79. Syaikh Irfan (Kertijayan Pekalongan),
  80. Syaikh Ahmad Mudzakir bin Fadholi (Pekalongan),
  81. Syaikh Ru’yah (Kaliwungu Kendal),
  82. Syaikh Muhammad Ma’shum (Lasem Rembang),
  83. Syaikh Abdullah Salam (Kajen Pati),
  84. Syaikh Abdullah Hadziq bin Hasbullah (Jepara),
  85. Habib Ali bin Muhammad bin Syihab,
  86. Habib Salim bin Abdullah asy-Syathiri (Tarim Yaman),
  87. Habib Ali bin Muhammad bin Abdul Qadir Assegaf (Tuban),
  88. Sayyid Afifuddin al-Jilani,
  89. Sayyid Syaikh Muhammad Nadzim Adil al-Haqqani (Siprus),
  90. Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Bari Tegal,
  91. Syaikh Zuhdi (Cikura Tegal),
  92. Syaikh Rais bin Armia (Cikura Tegal),
  93. Syaikh Utsman Abid al-Bamawi asy-Syadzili,
  94. Habib Aqil bin Muhammad Ba’abud (Purworejo), and
  95. Habib Abu Bakar al-‘Adni bin Ali al-Masyhur (Tarim Yaman).

Habib Lutfi bin Yahya’s daily life

  1. Recitation of Tariqah every Friday Kliwon morning (Jami’ul Usul Tariq al-Aulia).
  2. Ihya ‘Ulumidin Recitation every Tuesday night.
  3. Fath al-Qarib recitation every Wednesday morning (Especially for mothers).
  4. Sunday morning recitation, tariqah recitation (Especially for mothers).
  5. Recitation every month of Ramadan (For students of Aliyah level).
  6. Da’wah ilallah is common in various regions in the archipelago.
  7. Rangakain Maulid Kanzus (more than 60 places) in the city of Pekalongan and the surrounding area. And other activities.

Founder of Tariqah MATAN

Expert Student Thoriqoh Al Mu’tabaroh An Nahdliyyah (MATAN) is a Tariqah organization for students initiated by Maulana Habib Muhammad Luthfi bin Yahya Pekalongan

Ro’is ‘am JATMAN (Jamiyyah Ahlith Tariqah Al Mu’tabarah An Nahdliyyah) which is affiliated to the Islamic organization Nahdlatul Ulama.

Role in Nahdlatul Ulama

Habib Luthfi Bin Yahya, apart from being a graet teacher (ulama), he is also active in the Nahdlatul Ulama organization as a member of the PBNU Syuriyah.

Besides being active as a member of the PBNU Syuriyah, he is also the General Chair of the Indonesian Ulema Council in Central Java. In addition, he is also Ra’is ‘Am jam’iyah Ahlu Tariqah al Mu’tabarah an Nahdiyah. Habib Luthfi’s educational history, especially regarding religious education, of course he got the knowledge of Islam from his beloved father, namely al Habib al Hafidz ‘Ali al Ghalib. After receiving religious lessons from his father, Habib Luthfi bin Yahya then continued his education at the Salafiah Madrasa for three years.


  1. Rais Am Jam’iyyah Ahlith ath-Thariqah al-Mu’tabaroh an-Nahdliyyah 2005-2010 (second period)
  2. General Chairperson of the Central Java Indonesian Ulema Council (2005-2010)
  3. General Chairperson of the Pekalongan City Indonesian Ulema Council (2005-2010)
  4. Pekalongan City Interfaith Association

Exemplary Story

Although he is a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, there is never the slightest sense of arrogance, belittling other people, including non-Arabs (‘ajam). Apart from his family education, a number of great teacher (kiai) who had been his teachers also played a big role in molding his personality.

“His father, Habib Ali also studied at Mbah Sholeh Darat (Semarang).

So in his family there is no longer the term Arab-non-Arabic.

As Allah said, the most important thing is the level of piety. This is also instilled by Abah in some of the more junior habaib,” said Kiai Zakaria.

From here it is not surprising that in everyday life habib Lutfi always uses Javanese, not Indonesian, let alone Arabic. Both to students and guests he knows. “habib Lutfi is already njawani (tend to be Javanese), not an exclusive habib. All people and circles feel close to him, because He does not like excessive respect. Any number of people who want to shake hands, are served. He didn’t even like special escorts. He is very egalitarian, populist,” said one close person.

Habib’s guests came from various circles, ranging from government officials, council members, businessmen, artists, artists to ordinary people. However, he never discriminated. Habib diligently listened to the problems one by one and then provided a solution, so that they went home feeling satisfied. Habib Luthfi is indeed a person who is known to be ‘easy’, does not like to be complicated, let alone adventurous. His house is 24 hours ready to receive guests, from ordinary people to officials. “Well, once the Head of the Regional Police visited here, instead he was invited to join the Maulid committee meeting outside. It’s clear that the committee is confused. But there seems to be no difference,” Zakaria continued with a small laugh.

Even a few moments ago, he was willing to go back and forth from Pekalongan to Semarang, in order to attend the invitation of his students who happened to be ex-convicts, commemorating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. “So habib Lutfi is very careful. Moreover, the one who invited was the former criminal, who later converted and asked habib Lutfi to admit that he was a student. That’s why you pay so much attention. To the extent that once he entered Central Java, he was escorted from the Regional Police. In addition to pleasing people (idkhalus surus), it also maintains the good name of the pesantren’s students in front of the local community, “explained Zakaria.

Up to now, not a few positions and positions have been placed on his shoulders. But all of that did not make Habib feel tired, feel heavy, let alone feel burdened. The positions he has held and are currently holding are the General Chair of the Pekalongan City MUI, as well as the General Chair of the Central Java MUI. He is also trusted to be the main advisor of KBIH Assalamah Pekalongan. In addition to being a murshid of the Syadzaliyah congregation, he was also asked to become Mudir Aam of Ahlit Tariqah al-Mu’tabaroh an-Nahdliyyah (one of the NU Autonomous Bodies) for two periods, namely from 2000-2010 (coincidentally, the two congresses that resulted in that decision held in Pekalongan).

In addition, he formed PANUTAN (Paguyuban Interreligious Pekalongan), and was later trusted to be its chairman. This was done because Pekalongan is a conflict-prone area. When there was an act of vandalism and burning of houses and other facilities belonging to Chinese descent in Pekalongan twenty years ago (on November 20, 1995 to be precise), all of Pekalongan’s Islamic teachers (kiai) raised their hands. Moreover, the trigger was the tearing up of the Qur’an by a person of Chinese descent, who later discovered that the person had a mental disorder.

At that critical moment, when all the figures were overwhelmed, even unable to cope with the situation, Habib Luthfi appeared with a brief statement: “I am not happy if my students join in the vandalism.” At that time, many Islamic teachers gasped. “How can you not be surprised? Habib Lutfi made a move against the tide,” commented Zakaria while opening his diary which recounted the incident. However, it seems that his short expression is very effective. Since then, the security condition of Pekalongan City has gradually improved.

Habib Luthfi was trusted to hold many positions, it was because he had an ideal Muslim personality embedded in him. In addition to having a leadership spirit, he is known to have high scientific capacity, including general knowledge. It is said that one time he was asked to give a religious lecture in an event related to the world of agriculture. It turned out that what was conveyed was not only religious knowledge, but also agricultural science. “Until the agricultural service people were amazed, they even asked how to refertilize the dry soil,” said Zakaria. So, Habib also explained the solution, complete with scientific references in agricultural science. Likewise other fields, such as fisheries.

On one occasion he emphasized that for him the position is a mandate and cannot be asked for. If he is trusted to occupy a position, wherever he is, he declares that he is ready. Habib Lutfi said that “You don’t have to be the chairman, so if you don’t become the number one person, you don’t have to be in office”. This means that someone can do dedication and struggle according to their respective abilities.


According to The Moslem 500 organized by The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center Amman, Maulana Habib Muhammad Luthfi bin Yahya Pekalongan is one of the most influential Muslim figures in the world. His rankings include in 2021 who ranked 32nd.